Terms and Conditions of Entry
- By entering this event you agree and understand you will act responsibly and adhere to the rules of the road and countryside. If you are a group leader, registering for or on behalf of other people(group) you undertake and warrant that you will and/or have brought these terms and conditions to the attention of all members of the group whom have, or will read and accept them and indemnify and hold harmless the Rotary Club of Westbourne and its volunteers and members and agents against any claim or claims from members of the group where you have breached your obligations, undertakings or warranties as set out in these terms and conditions.
- Event entry fees cannot be refunded or transferred under any circumstances. If you are unable to make the ride, your entry fee will go to Cancer Research UK.
- The Rotary Club reserves the right to cancel the ride, due to extreme weather conditions or other unforseen circumstance.
- Should the event be cancelled due to Force Majeure, bad weather or any other cause that affects the safe operation of the event, no refunds shall be made. Force Majeure is any event or circumstances which the Rotary Club of Westbourne could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid including actual or threatened war, riot, civil strive, national emergency, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, prohibitive government regulations, pandemic, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire and all other events beyond the reasonable control of the Rotary Club of Westbourne. Accordingly, all riders are strongly recommended to take out appropriate insurance cover which will re-imburse them in the event of cancellation due to the aforementioned risks.
- Marshalls are solely to indicate the direction and it is your responsibility to ensure that any manoeuvre is carried out safely. You also need to be fit and healthy enough to participate in this activity and your cycle is in a safe, legal and rideable condition.
- You also accept that the organising Rotary Club, cannot be held responsible for personal injury, accident, loss, damage or public liability during the event.
- The minimum age for participants is recommended as 16 years, but children under 16 years can still register but must be accompanied on the ride by a parent or responsible adult who has paid the registration fee to ride on same route.
- The special group rates for teams of maximum ten riders are only available for on-line pre-registrations and special group rates will not be possible on site on the day of the event.
- It is compulsory for ALL riders to wear cycling protective helmets.
- By taking part, all participants, volunteers and spectators agree that they are happy for their names and any video footage, stills or photographs taken during their participation in the Rotary Dorset Bike Ride to be used to publicise the event and by Cancer Research UK for commercial and fundraising purposes including marketing material. Photographs of children will not be used in this manner without a parent or legal guardian’s written consent. However, we may use images where children are incidentally included, for example, to show mass participation on the starting line. You confirm that their parent or legal guardian is happy for their image to be used in this manner.
- As a condition of taking part in this event we ask all riders to download a zuvolo app to their mobile phones and join our Rotary Dorset Bike Ride Event for their particular route. Once riders are registered, details regarding log in will be sent out shortly before the ride on how to do this.
- Very Important - keep to the rules of the road - see information below
This is an open road event for all routes. At all times you must obey the Highway Code and be aware of other road users and the dangers they present.
Road cycling is an active sport and taking part is such sports does automatically involve a risk of injury or death regardless of the organisation of the event you are taking part in. In signing up for this event you are accepting all the risks inherent in this event and you agree for yourself and your personal representatives to indemnify and hold harmless the Rotary Club of Westbourne members and volunteers against any claim or claims whether on your own account or from third parties arising out of any accident or incident resulting in any loss or damage (including bodily injury and death) You confirm that you have read all the sections of these terms and conditions and understand and agree to be bound to those terms and conditions and to comply fully with the same.
This is an open road event for all routes. At all times you must obey the Highway Code and be aware of other road users and the dangers they present.
- Take particular care at all junctions, while turning right and when entering moving traffic.
- Please note the marshalls are there to ensure you know the route, they are not there to direct you across the road. It is your responsibility to cross the road safely when it is all clear.
- At all times obey all instructions from the marshalls on route.
- The roads are in use by others so do not attempt to overtake in dangerous places and never over take on the inside.
- In some places roads can get busy, so if there is a queue wait your turn while the marshals get everybody moving.
- Please do not wear headphone while cycling as you will not hear sirens or traffic coming up behind you.
- Avoid drinking alcohol as it dehydrates you and could result in an accident.
- Keep your distance from other riders as they may break suddenly.
- Do not race down hills there may be pot holes or hidden bends.
- Some riders may be inexperienced riders so take care and be considerate to others.
- There are areas where road surfaces may be poor and particular care should be taken when this is so.
- Insurance: Westbourne Rotary Club have public liability insurance.
- All riders are responsible for their own personal accident insurance.
Road cycling is an active sport and taking part is such sports does automatically involve a risk of injury or death regardless of the organisation of the event you are taking part in. In signing up for this event you are accepting all the risks inherent in this event and you agree for yourself and your personal representatives to indemnify and hold harmless the Rotary Club of Westbourne members and volunteers against any claim or claims whether on your own account or from third parties arising out of any accident or incident resulting in any loss or damage (including bodily injury and death) You confirm that you have read all the sections of these terms and conditions and understand and agree to be bound to those terms and conditions and to comply fully with the same.