Start & Finish Location and facilities
The start and finish is at Longthorns Farm & Campsite, Wareham Dorset BH20 6HH, next to Monkey World. There will be plenty of free parking on site, toilets, refreshments and camping facilities, (to booking a camp pitch telephone the farm on 01929-401539). |
Registration and Check-in opens at 8.00am - Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your start time.
If you have already registered online via the website please check in at the relevant check-in desk for your rider number (detailed on the confirmation email following your on-line registration - so please make sure you have a note of your Rider number)
Group leaders will be able to collect all their teams rider numbers using their own rider number for check in at relevant check in desk.
Note - We no longer send rider numbers in advance by mail to save on costs.
There will be alphabetical and numerical lists at the Help Desk, if additional help required regarding rider number.
Anyone who has not registered in advance via the website will need to complete a registration form at the registration desk and pay relevant registration fee at the payment desk. However, please note that registrations made on the day of the event will cost you £5/rider more than on-line registrations - and the best value registrations are made by taking advantage of advance on-line registration facility.
Your Rider Number(s)
You will not be able to start without your number attached to your bike.
For your own safety and protection please write your name, address and next of kin details on the back of the rider’s number using a permanent felt-tip pen. Again pens will be available at the check-in desk.
Start Times
For each time slot, riders start will be staggered so as not to cause congestion on the roads. If you arrive late for your official start time, ask to join the next group (80 mile must start by 9am). All routes turn left out of the gate.
Finish: Please aim to finish your ride and have returned to site by 4:30pm on the day of the ride and ensure you check in to have your rider number recorded.
Therefore - If you are doing 80 route and you arrive at the Moreton refreshment stop after 4pm do not follow the right-hand turn after the village hall to do the Lulworth loop but continue straight on following the other routes to Wool and go directly to the finish and check in at return desk. This will only reduce your ride by 10 miles but will enable you to finish by 4:30pm.
Should you decide to go directly home and not return to check in at finish - you must contact us using the emergency number to let us know that you are safe and not in need of any assistance and also indicate 'retired' on the zuvolo app.
If you have already registered online via the website please check in at the relevant check-in desk for your rider number (detailed on the confirmation email following your on-line registration - so please make sure you have a note of your Rider number)
Group leaders will be able to collect all their teams rider numbers using their own rider number for check in at relevant check in desk.
Note - We no longer send rider numbers in advance by mail to save on costs.
There will be alphabetical and numerical lists at the Help Desk, if additional help required regarding rider number.
Anyone who has not registered in advance via the website will need to complete a registration form at the registration desk and pay relevant registration fee at the payment desk. However, please note that registrations made on the day of the event will cost you £5/rider more than on-line registrations - and the best value registrations are made by taking advantage of advance on-line registration facility.
Your Rider Number(s)
- Your rider number can be found on your registration confirmation email (so please make a note of this as you will need it to collect your rider numbers at registration on the day)
- Your laminated rider number will be given to you when you check-in on the day at relevant numbered registration desk (note we no longer send them out in advance).
- All riders must attach their laminated rider number to the handlebars of their bikes, using cable ties or string, so the number can be seen from the front. If you do not have any cable ties, some will be available from the check-in desk.
- For groups of riders, the lead rider will be able to collect their own rider number and those of their team when registering at check in before the start.
- All rider numbers will need to be clearly visible so marshals and volunteers can easily identify the rider both during the ride and when reporting back at the end of the ride.
You will not be able to start without your number attached to your bike.
For your own safety and protection please write your name, address and next of kin details on the back of the rider’s number using a permanent felt-tip pen. Again pens will be available at the check-in desk.
Start Times
- 80 mile at 8:30am
- 70 mile at 9.00am
- 55 mile at 9.30am
- 35 mile at 10.00am
- 22 mile at 10:30am
For each time slot, riders start will be staggered so as not to cause congestion on the roads. If you arrive late for your official start time, ask to join the next group (80 mile must start by 9am). All routes turn left out of the gate.
Finish: Please aim to finish your ride and have returned to site by 4:30pm on the day of the ride and ensure you check in to have your rider number recorded.
Therefore - If you are doing 80 route and you arrive at the Moreton refreshment stop after 4pm do not follow the right-hand turn after the village hall to do the Lulworth loop but continue straight on following the other routes to Wool and go directly to the finish and check in at return desk. This will only reduce your ride by 10 miles but will enable you to finish by 4:30pm.
Should you decide to go directly home and not return to check in at finish - you must contact us using the emergency number to let us know that you are safe and not in need of any assistance and also indicate 'retired' on the zuvolo app.

There will be free refreshment stops on route with snacks and drinks manned by volunteers.
For the 2024 Bike Ride - food stops will be located at junction near Bere Regis and at Moreton Village Hall. A Portaloo toilet is available at Bere Regis stop and toilets are available inside Moreton Village Hall.
There will also be hot and cold drinks and snacks, plus other refreshments at the start/finish area at Longthorns available for you to purchase as required.
The Routes
The routes are mainly on quiet country lanes and clearly marked. All routes are circular and on tarmac roads.
Keep a look out for Course Split signs for the different distances and ensure you follow the correct route. Please study the route maps downloadable from the website which cover the various routes and ensure you are familiar with your route before the ride.
- There will be marshalls throughout the route to guide you along the routes - but you are responsible for your own safety and must decide to turn or cross any roads only when YOU think it is safe to do so.
- Do not drop litter on route. There will be bins at refreshment stops.
- Do not drink alcohol during the ride.
- Remember to keep hydrated and take a rest if tired.
- Do not ride on pavements unless they are marked as a cycle way.
Check out at the Finish
- Upon returning to Longthorns at end of ride - immediately Go to the desk to have your rider number recorded as returned and our congratulations before collecting any certificate and medal.
- Please endeavour to finish and return to start by 4.30pm and report to desk at end of ride before you take refreshments.
- We want to be able to ensure everybody gets recorded to know they have safely returned from the Ride.
- You will need to collect your own certificate and medal at the end of the Ride as these will not be sent on to you after the event.
Your Bike and Kit
- You need to ensure your bike is in good order including brakes, gears and tires. You are advised to carry two spare inner tubes, some basic tools and a pump, water, and energy snacks. Cycle accessories to purchase may no longer be available on site at the start so ensure you carry your own personal emergency repair items.
- It is a requirement for ALL riders to wear a helmet as this will reduce the risk of head injury if you come off your bike.
- Wear clothing that is suitable for the weather forecast for the day and clothing that can be seen by other road users.
Cycling in the event
- Please respect other road users. Do not ride more than two abreast, and only do so when safe to do so.
- Do not follow other cyclists too closely. Keep your distance.
- Follow the highway code as normal, road traffic laws apply including stopping at red traffic lights.
- Obey any instructions giving by marshals, police or event staff.
- This is not a race, anybody caught racing will be asked to leave the event. Take care when riding down hill.
- Do not wear headphones or make telephone calls while riding.
- Watch out for hidden bends and potholes.
- If you feel ill, do not continue, stop and call for help.
Accidents and Emergencies including breakdown
- If you have an accident or need help with a breakdown to your bike please call the number on the back of your bike number card.
- If you find a rider who has had an accident or needs help, please stop and offer assistance. If critical then use your judgement whether you need to call an ambulance by dialling 999 as usual, but please report the situation to us as soon as possible.
- You will also find the next of kin’s contacts details on the back of the rider’s card. If you do not have a mobile with you, then flag down a motorist if safe, or go to the nearest marshal and report it ASAP.
Your entry fee does not include insurance for you or your bike. The Rotary Club do have public liability and event insurance. We recommend that all riders take out their own bike and personal insurance before the event.
Massages at Finish
It is hoped to arrange free massages at the end of the ride for those with aching muscles, provided by qualified volunteer masseurs. There is no charge but any donation to Cancer Research UK would be greatly appreciated.

Funds from Sponsorship is so important to Cancer Research UK
It is hoped that every rider will collect at least £100 in sponsorship for CANCER RESEARCH UK, or another cancer charity of their choice. We look forward to receiving news of ALL sponsorship raised by the Rotary Dorset Bike Ride by the end of October following the Ride, so do not forget to collect your sponsorship and send us the information by deadline date of 31st October.
However, if you are unable to get any sponsorship then you will still be very welcome to join in the ride and if you then wish to make a contribution to Cancer Research UK on the day, or afterwards, our treasurer would be happy to receive them and there will also be collection buckets at the event to make a cash donation.
Please collect your sponsorship money as soon as possible after the event. Cheques should be made payable to The Rotary Club of Westbourne and sent to our address below using the forms supplied. All sponsorship money will be donated to Cancer Research UK. If you use any other online websites such as JustGiving, please ensure you let us know the web address of your fundraising page so that we can monitor how much the event raises and enter you into any prize draws applicable. You can also use the CRUK online fundraising platform to collect donations line - click here to set this up.
If you have raised any sponsorship money, please ensure you complete the form on the front of the Sponsorship form to advise amounts, payments methods and your online fundraising pages. If you are raising funds for other charities - we would still like to hear how much you have raised for them too - so do keep us informed.
We thank all riders who are raising funds for Cancer Research UK or another cancer charity - You have got on your bikes to route cancer out.
It is hoped that every rider will collect at least £100 in sponsorship for CANCER RESEARCH UK, or another cancer charity of their choice. We look forward to receiving news of ALL sponsorship raised by the Rotary Dorset Bike Ride by the end of October following the Ride, so do not forget to collect your sponsorship and send us the information by deadline date of 31st October.
However, if you are unable to get any sponsorship then you will still be very welcome to join in the ride and if you then wish to make a contribution to Cancer Research UK on the day, or afterwards, our treasurer would be happy to receive them and there will also be collection buckets at the event to make a cash donation.
Please collect your sponsorship money as soon as possible after the event. Cheques should be made payable to The Rotary Club of Westbourne and sent to our address below using the forms supplied. All sponsorship money will be donated to Cancer Research UK. If you use any other online websites such as JustGiving, please ensure you let us know the web address of your fundraising page so that we can monitor how much the event raises and enter you into any prize draws applicable. You can also use the CRUK online fundraising platform to collect donations line - click here to set this up.
If you have raised any sponsorship money, please ensure you complete the form on the front of the Sponsorship form to advise amounts, payments methods and your online fundraising pages. If you are raising funds for other charities - we would still like to hear how much you have raised for them too - so do keep us informed.
We thank all riders who are raising funds for Cancer Research UK or another cancer charity - You have got on your bikes to route cancer out.